Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Sunday 4 August 2013


Knowledge Management System

What is a system? this question asked by ms Fatimah
all sort of answer have been given by students, but when miss asked me "Azre what is a system?". I was speechless, maybe it was 8 am in the morning, and im still sleepy i guess. :D

but the best answer of what is a system is:
there is an input and output, which in between them there is a process.



The diagram of General Characteristics of a System

When we went to Bank Negara, we have seen their KMS(Intranet), it is also included in  KMS but under the Content Management System (CMS).

This is the list of Knowledge Management Sub-System consist of:
—-Data management
-Collaborative processes
-Single platform
—-Common approach and ‘feel’ 

Next, we will discuss about Electronic Document Management System. It consists of :
-Dss :Decision Support System
-Gdss : Group Decision Support System
-Ess : Executive Support System
-Pss : Performance Support System
-Wms : Workflow Management System
-Crms : Customer Relationship Management System

DssAssist decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decisions.

GdssInteractive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems working in a group.

EssHelp senior managers with unstructured problems. Also, can utilize OLAP.

PssAssist groups or individuals to perform certain tasks. May contain multimedia delivery and use techniques such as expert systems and natural language recognition.

WmsAllows documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications according to predefined processes.

CmsTo coordinate all business and technological processes dealing with the customer. Share customer information between sales, marketing finance and service divisions.

With that, i end my post for this week, have a really nice holidays, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and Maaf Zahir Batin, Hope that God will bless us All. Assalamualaikum and Good bye for now.

Sunday 28 July 2013

week 8


This week, we did our supplement test, where the test is based on tutorial 6. It shows improvement in marks for all the students. This supplement test really help students with low marks thus increase their coursework marks.

This week lecture is based on chapter 8 and 9. Ms fatimah taught us 2 chapters this week.
basically, chapter 8 is just a review chapter and for our knowledge only, it will not be included in our final examination.

on chapter 8, it was on learning organization. As we all aware that every person had a different styles of learning method. this is an ilustration on individual learning styles from chapter 8.

Also we learnt to distinguished between learning organisation and organisation learning.

Now we moved on to chapter 9 "knowledge management tools".

firstly is on cognitive mapping tools:

then move on to information retrieval tool:

and also

also there is a slide on 3d virtual world, where all the work such as helpdesk where the task is to help guide people and answer question, but now, its all are with virtual aid.

this video is the application of 3d virtual world on interior design of a home.

Sunday 21 July 2013

19 July 2013

Last week we have done our test, it is an open book test. The test period was 1 hour, we manage to complete it within that time constraint. Because of the open book, it put our pressure away unlike other tests. Basically it was an answerable test, the difficulty was about medium. Thank you madam.

Also, this chapter is very vital for our assignment, we utilize the notes as our aid to help and guide us in completion of this assignment.

This week lecture was on organization culture

Several factors have been identified as cultural influences include:

Past patterns and history
Climate and morale
Information flows across the community
Supervision quality
Workplace interactions

we move on to the effective of knowledge culture, where we can sum it up by

than we go to changing of organizational culture:

-Culture is resistant to change

-People resist change
—>Change can be threatening
—>Don’t see benefit from change
—>Don’t feel ownership of change

-Knowledge sharing culture
—>Knowledge sharing should be norm, not exception
—>People must be encouraged to work together  and rewarded for doing so
>—Trust is key dimension

Lastly, we end our entry with a picture of what is change of organizational culture to workers. They are afraid of change, of course not all changes are bad, but from this picture below, we can significantly change a dull face to an interesting art. thus, summarized that not all changes are bad, but can be "like a rainbow after the rain".

that all for this entry, thank you and assalamualaikum. :D

Sunday 14 July 2013

12 July 2013

It was 6 weeks ago the class started, and there will be a mid term test on the 7th week, which is next week. it is unbelieveable how time flies. okay enough of nonsense talking.

now, on this week the 6th week, we learnt about  knowledge acquisition and application.

what is knowledge acquisition and application? knowledge application can be derived and explained by the km cycle.
 which we can translate it to

¢Knowledge Acquisition: Reuse
-—Promote efficiency
—-Lead to Innovation

¢Knowledge Application
—-Application of knowledge is filtered through human brain and applied to job tasks

on relatively different matters, by studying knowledge management, we may know what kind of person are we. And this is why.

Take Your Time and Do It Right
On My Honor, to Do My Duty…”
Catalyst for Positive Change
Competence + Independence = Perfection
Doing the Best I Can With What Ive Got
Its the Thought That Counts
Still Waters Run Deep
Ingenious Problem Solvers
Lets Get Busy!
Dont Worry, Be Happy
Anythings Possible
Lifes Entrepreneurs
Taking Care of Business
What Can I Do For You?
The Public Relations Specialist
Everythings Fine Im in Charge

And also

move on to what happened in tutorial class. on our tutorial class, miss fatimah has presented us with a short video of what knowledge actually is. for what have i remembered, it was a knowledge sharing, add value, organizing, and many more.

i think that is it for this week, and wish us luck on our test this tuesday. i ended my writing with assalamualaikum and good bye. happy fasting :D

Monday 8 July 2013

5 july 2013

class started as usual at 8 am. this week is the last week before the month of fasting arrived, so we hope that pn fatimah understand why after this week we will be weak and sleepy.

okay move on to our topic...

this week lecture is about COP or communities of sharing.

research shows that on 45 minutes of finding information online, 5 minutes is the information achieved and obtained, but if we go offline for information, we will gain 90% of the information that we needed in 5 minutes.

what is cop?
we can summarized it in this figure

lastly is the implication of knowledge sharing

¢Connecting professionals across platforms, across distances.
¢ Standardizing professional practices.
¢ Avoiding mistakes.
¢ Leveraging best practices.
¢ Reducing time to talent.
¢ Building reputation.
¢ Taking on stewardship for strategic capabilities.
¢ Retain employees through communities of practice
If a knowledge worker is working at an organization where he or she is able to be an active member of one or more communities of practice, this will be a significant incentive to stay with that organization.

thats all from us this week, hope this post is will be helpful to others..

thank you and assalamualaikum.....

Friday 28 June 2013


Our Aims and goals - What we want to achieve from this class is

-We want to learn if km are profitable to us
-We want to know how much does km worker's salary
-We want to get an A in this class
-We want to have a great and enjoyable class.

Week 4


Today is a lovely day, the haze are away, and we are in our best form.

pn fatimah arrived in class today, she's bringing her daughter, she is so cute, which she will go wherever pn fatimah moves. she would play with the screen and showing her beautiful smile with few of her teeth are already gone.

okay, today we are learning about Knowledge Capture and Codification.

 Cognitive map

im just showing the important part of the lesson for todays, that might be useful later.

Decision tree

below are the description and the elaboration of cognitive map and decision tree.

 ok move on, i want to share to all of you, what we have done this week.

on 26.6 we went to bank negara. we departed at 8 am and arrived at 10.30-11.00 am. 2 buses bringing mmu student from MIS and TKM class. we learned about the importance of KM in bank negara and for all organization.

tkm was popular and implemented in malaysia from 2000 onwards. which this shows how little and young we are in this field. what does KM do that make it so important nowadays, it is because the KNOWLEDGE. yes, Knowledge is power, and it can bring us everywhere. so this is why km is important. the sharing of knowledge brings advancement in all section in some organization

ok, these are the picture we managed to capture