Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Sunday 21 July 2013

19 July 2013

Last week we have done our test, it is an open book test. The test period was 1 hour, we manage to complete it within that time constraint. Because of the open book, it put our pressure away unlike other tests. Basically it was an answerable test, the difficulty was about medium. Thank you madam.

Also, this chapter is very vital for our assignment, we utilize the notes as our aid to help and guide us in completion of this assignment.

This week lecture was on organization culture

Several factors have been identified as cultural influences include:

Past patterns and history
Climate and morale
Information flows across the community
Supervision quality
Workplace interactions

we move on to the effective of knowledge culture, where we can sum it up by

than we go to changing of organizational culture:

-Culture is resistant to change

-People resist change
—>Change can be threatening
—>Don’t see benefit from change
—>Don’t feel ownership of change

-Knowledge sharing culture
—>Knowledge sharing should be norm, not exception
—>People must be encouraged to work together  and rewarded for doing so
>—Trust is key dimension

Lastly, we end our entry with a picture of what is change of organizational culture to workers. They are afraid of change, of course not all changes are bad, but from this picture below, we can significantly change a dull face to an interesting art. thus, summarized that not all changes are bad, but can be "like a rainbow after the rain".

that all for this entry, thank you and assalamualaikum. :D

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