Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Sunday 28 July 2013

week 8


This week, we did our supplement test, where the test is based on tutorial 6. It shows improvement in marks for all the students. This supplement test really help students with low marks thus increase their coursework marks.

This week lecture is based on chapter 8 and 9. Ms fatimah taught us 2 chapters this week.
basically, chapter 8 is just a review chapter and for our knowledge only, it will not be included in our final examination.

on chapter 8, it was on learning organization. As we all aware that every person had a different styles of learning method. this is an ilustration on individual learning styles from chapter 8.

Also we learnt to distinguished between learning organisation and organisation learning.

Now we moved on to chapter 9 "knowledge management tools".

firstly is on cognitive mapping tools:

then move on to information retrieval tool:

and also

also there is a slide on 3d virtual world, where all the work such as helpdesk where the task is to help guide people and answer question, but now, its all are with virtual aid.

this video is the application of 3d virtual world on interior design of a home.

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