Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Sunday 4 August 2013


Knowledge Management System

What is a system? this question asked by ms Fatimah
all sort of answer have been given by students, but when miss asked me "Azre what is a system?". I was speechless, maybe it was 8 am in the morning, and im still sleepy i guess. :D

but the best answer of what is a system is:
there is an input and output, which in between them there is a process.



The diagram of General Characteristics of a System

When we went to Bank Negara, we have seen their KMS(Intranet), it is also included in  KMS but under the Content Management System (CMS).

This is the list of Knowledge Management Sub-System consist of:
—-Data management
-Collaborative processes
-Single platform
—-Common approach and ‘feel’ 

Next, we will discuss about Electronic Document Management System. It consists of :
-Dss :Decision Support System
-Gdss : Group Decision Support System
-Ess : Executive Support System
-Pss : Performance Support System
-Wms : Workflow Management System
-Crms : Customer Relationship Management System

DssAssist decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decisions.

GdssInteractive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems working in a group.

EssHelp senior managers with unstructured problems. Also, can utilize OLAP.

PssAssist groups or individuals to perform certain tasks. May contain multimedia delivery and use techniques such as expert systems and natural language recognition.

WmsAllows documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications according to predefined processes.

CmsTo coordinate all business and technological processes dealing with the customer. Share customer information between sales, marketing finance and service divisions.

With that, i end my post for this week, have a really nice holidays, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and Maaf Zahir Batin, Hope that God will bless us All. Assalamualaikum and Good bye for now.

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