Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Friday 28 June 2013

Week 4


Today is a lovely day, the haze are away, and we are in our best form.

pn fatimah arrived in class today, she's bringing her daughter, she is so cute, which she will go wherever pn fatimah moves. she would play with the screen and showing her beautiful smile with few of her teeth are already gone.

okay, today we are learning about Knowledge Capture and Codification.

 Cognitive map

im just showing the important part of the lesson for todays, that might be useful later.

Decision tree

below are the description and the elaboration of cognitive map and decision tree.

 ok move on, i want to share to all of you, what we have done this week.

on 26.6 we went to bank negara. we departed at 8 am and arrived at 10.30-11.00 am. 2 buses bringing mmu student from MIS and TKM class. we learned about the importance of KM in bank negara and for all organization.

tkm was popular and implemented in malaysia from 2000 onwards. which this shows how little and young we are in this field. what does KM do that make it so important nowadays, it is because the KNOWLEDGE. yes, Knowledge is power, and it can bring us everywhere. so this is why km is important. the sharing of knowledge brings advancement in all section in some organization

ok, these are the picture we managed to capture

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