Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Sunday 16 June 2013

TKM 1291 - Week 2 (Lecture)

Friday -14.6.2013

First of all,we would like to remind everyone of the trip to Bank Negara. It is on 26.6.2013, make sure you guys are at MMU before or at 7.00 am in the morning. Don’t let others wait for you, its not nice and people may hate you for that.

Pn Fatimah arrived in class today with an angry look on her face. We thought that she has some problems with our classmates. At first we are afraid to ask, but some courage’s student managed to ask her a question. Oh, its only a case of insufficient slept last night, as she has a late evening class.  We are relieved.
Before the lecture start, she gave us the task to drew our daily unique life cycle. This is what we have drew.

Today lesson  is on lecture 2 “KM life cycle”.  The major phase of KM life cycle is:


Then we moved on to four model of KM selected as this model are most widely used. It is  the Zack & Meyer KM life cycle, the Bukowitz and Williams KM life cycle, the McElroy KM life cycle, and the WIIG KM life cycle.Lets discuss on this model. This is what can be summarized from the lecture today
the Zack & Meyer KM life cycle:


The Bukowitz and Williams KM life cycle:


The McElroy KM life cycle:

-individual and group learning
-knowledge claim validation
-information acquisition
-knowledge validation
-knowledge integration

WIIG KM life cycle:

-value realization

Then, there Is a break for 10 minutes, Zareef  who is one of our teammates were asked about how to cook instant noodle, there some arguments on different style of cooking. But it just instant noodles I guess, in what ways you might cooked it, it will still end up in your stomach.

The, second Zharif were called, he was asked to elaborate on how to play hopscotch or  “teng-teng” in words, it was hilarious because he can demonstrate on how to play it, it was so hard, and he quite shocked when his name were called.

Because I end this entry, I would like to show all of you on how traditionally the game was played, but with some minor change on some parts. This is the link, you guys should click on this link.

that’s all for this entry… thank you


  1. Did I seem angry? I have to remind myself not to repeat this next time..

  2. hahhaa.. we thought that u would love that video.. educational yet amusing... :)
