Group Members :

Mohammad Azre

Muhammad Naim

Zareef Aqmar

Monday 10 June 2013

TKM 1291 - Week 1

Friday, 7.6.2013 is our first class of TKM 1291 Knowledge Management. Class started at 8 am and end at 10 am. First impression of that class is it was a very enjoyable class to go to. Madam Fatimah as a lecturer and she started to explain and elaborated on our course outline, what to expect and when are the important dates to be noted. The first name she called up in the class is Bryan Tan, I guess he is the most popular guy in our class.

We have to make up a group of 3 to 4 person in a group, our group consist of Naim, Zareef , Azre and Tariq. We have to make a blog which we have to update weekly based on our class lesson, so this why this blog was born. This blog will be evaluated as one of our course work marks, so this is important as the lesson in class it self.

Our first task, is to divide a piece of paper into 2, and then we have to paint a picture of a flower. Where some of us draw a rose, hibiscus and so on, some with 5 petals, some with 6, so it’s a variety. We have to find who really draw a picture same as ours, but we couldn’t find anyone who did.  The lesson that she wants us to see is that everyone is unique, no one has the same flowers . it is not based on who drew the most beautiful flower, but the involvement in class is what count.  

Then she given us our second task, which she wants us to draw a map of MMU Melaka campus, it goes same as the first task. This is some pictures of what we have drew in the class.

As our lecture started, she asked around for what is meant by data, some of us answered and given different answers which reflected on what the first task, where all person are unique as an individual.
Then there is  riddle which are given to us in the slide, but the funny thing is she mistakenly said that the box is 3 inches wide , 3 inches deep and 6 inches high. Why we said that it is funny because the answer is a refrigerator, if it was in inches, you could only manages to store a ngan yin peanut in it. And if we are asked to answer that riddle, I would personally answer it was a casket for an ant rather than a refrigerator.
Than we go on to the real stuff, the lecture. There is an elaboration of tacit and explicit knowledge. There is a huge difference about this 2, which tacit knowledge is more about subjective side and explicit knowledge is objective and rational side of knowledge.

Then, we going to learn about what is km. km is “ the effective learning processes associated with exploration, exploitation and sharing of human knowledge (tacit and explicit) that uses appropriate technology and cultural environments to enhance an organizations intellectual capital and performance.”
Also before the class ended, she show us the meet Owen story.  Where this guy is good at his programming, he went to an interview for a job based on what he has studied before. He is good at what he is doing and he was given a chance to be involved in a training, this shows that km Is really important in achieving your goal in your job latter.

Also before the class ended, Madam Fatimah invited us to go to Bank Negara, we were really excited because it is a field trip with all our friends, and this would be amazing and enjoyable. There is 2 dates that she recommended us to consider, but most of us prefer the Wednesday trip as it was less class available on that day.

So I guess this is what is first week is all about, we will update our blog sooner. So be ready to read our amazing journey in TKM class with madam Fatimah.

That’s all folks. Bye and Assalamualaikum.

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